A Julia package for landscape connectivity.
In the following, a small example of the functionality is given. First, we canstruct an artificial landscape with a wall and two corridors. The landscape is stored in a Grid
using ConScape
g = ConScape.perm_wall_sim(30, 60, corridorwidths=(3,2), costs=ConScape.MinusLog()) # Generate an artificial landscape
From a Grid
, we can now create a GridRSP
which we can use to compute the randomized shortest path based quality weighted betweenness with the temperature parameter θ=0.2
h = ConScape.GridRSP(g, θ=0.2)
bet_q = ConScape.betweenness_qweighted(h)
ConScape.heatmap(bet_q, yflip=true)
The section provides more details about the functions of this package including exact call signatures.
— TypeGrid(nrows::Integer,
qualities::Matrix=ones(nrows, ncols),
Construct a Grid
from an affinities
matrix of type SparseMatrixCSC
. It is possible to also supply matrices of source_qualities
and target_qualities
as well as a costs
function that maps the affinities
matrix to a costs
matrix. Alternatively, it is possible to supply a matrix to costs
directly. If prune=true
(the default), the affinity and cost matrices will be pruned to exclude unreachable nodes.
— Typefree_energy_distance(
Compute the directed free energy distance from all source nodes to all target nodes in the graph defined by g
using the inverse temperature parameter θ
. The computation can either continue until convergence when setting approx=false
(the default) or return an approximate result based on just a single iteration of the Bellman-Ford algorithm when approx=true
— Functionis_strongly_connected(g::Grid)::Bool
Test if graph defined by Grid is fully connected.
julia> affinities = [1/4 0 1/4 1/4
1/4 0 1/4 1/4
1/4 0 1/4 1/4
1/4 0 1/4 1/4];
julia> grid = ConScape.Grid(size(affinities)..., affinities=ConScape.graph_matrix_from_raster(affinities), prune=false)
ConScape.Grid of size 4x4
julia> ConScape.is_strongly_connected(grid)
— Functionlargest_subgraph(g::Grid)::Grid
Extract the largest fully connected subgraph of the Grid
. The returned Grid
will have the same size as the input Grid
but only nodes associated with the largest subgraph of the affinities will be active.
— Typeleast_cost_distance(g::Grid)::Matrix{Float64}
Compute the least cost distance from all the cells in the grid to all target cells.
julia> affinities = [1/4 0 1/2 1/4
1/4 0 1/2 1/4
1/4 0 1/2 1/4
1/4 0 1/2 1/4];
julia> grid = ConScape.Grid(size(affinities)..., affinities=ConScape.graph_matrix_from_raster(affinities))
[ Info: cost graph contains 6 strongly connected subgraphs
[ Info: removing 8 nodes from affinity and cost graphs
ConScape.Grid of size 4x4
julia> ConScape.least_cost_distance(grid)
8×8 Matrix{Float64}:
0.0 0.693147 1.38629 2.07944 0.693147 1.03972 1.73287 2.42602
0.693147 0.0 0.693147 1.38629 1.03972 0.693147 1.03972 1.73287
1.38629 0.693147 0.0 0.693147 1.73287 1.03972 0.693147 1.03972
2.07944 1.38629 0.693147 0.0 2.42602 1.73287 1.03972 0.693147
1.38629 1.73287 2.42602 3.11916 0.0 1.38629 2.77259 3.46574
1.73287 1.38629 1.73287 2.42602 1.38629 0.0 1.38629 2.77259
2.42602 1.73287 1.38629 1.73287 2.77259 1.38629 0.0 1.38629
3.11916 2.42602 1.73287 1.38629 3.46574 2.77259 1.38629 0.0
— Functionsum_neighborhood(g::Grid, rc::Tuple{Int,Int}, npix::Integer)::Float64
A helper-function, used by coarse_graining, that computes the sum of pixels within a npix neighborhood around the target rc.
— Functioncoarse_graining(g::Grid, npix::Integer)::Array
Creates a sparse matrix of target qualities for the landmarks based on merging npix pixels into the center pixel.
GridRSP (Randomized Shortest Path)
— TypeGridRSP(g::Grid; θ=nothing)::GridRSP
Construct a GridRSP from a g::Grid
based on the inverse temperature parameter θ::Real
— Typefree_energy_distance(
Compute the randomized shorted path based expected costs from all source nodes to all target nodes in the graph defined by g
using the inverse temperature parameter θ
. The computation can either continue until convergence when setting approx=false
(the default) or return an approximate result based on just a single iteration of the Bellman-Ford algorithm when approx=true
Compute RSP expected costs from all nodes.
— Functionbetweenness_qweighted(grsp::GridRSP)::Matrix{Float64}
Compute RSP betweenness of all nodes weighted by source and target qualities.
— Functionbetweenness_kweighted(grsp::GridRSP;
Compute RSP betweenness of all nodes weighted with proximities computed with respect to the distance/proximity measure defined by connectivity_function
. Optionally, an inverse cost function can be passed. The function will be applied elementwise to the matrix of distances to convert it to a matrix of proximities. If no inverse cost function is passed the the inverse of the cost function is used for the conversion of distances.
The optional diagvalue
element specifies which value to use for the diagonal of the matrix of proximities, i.e. after applying the inverse cost function to the matrix of distances. When nothing is specified, the diagonal elements won't be adjusted.
— Functionedge_betweenness_qweighted(grsp::GridRSP)::Matrix{Float64}
Compute RSP betweenness of all edges weighted by source and target qualities. Returns a sparse matrix where element (i,j) is the betweenness of edge (i,j).
— Functionedge_betweenness_kweighted(grsp::GridRSP; [distance_transformation=inv(grsp.g.costfunction), diagvalue=nothing])::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int}
Compute RSP betweenness of all edges weighted by qualities of source s and target t and the proximity between s and t. Returns a
sparse matrix where element (i,j) is the betweenness of edge (i,j).
The optional `diagvalue` element specifies which value to use for the diagonal of the matrix
of proximities, i.e. after applying the inverse cost function to the matrix of expected costs.
When nothing is specified, the diagonal elements won't be adjusted.
— Functionmean_kl_divergence(grsp::GridRSP)::Float64
Compute the mean Kullback–Leibler divergence between the free energy distances and the RSP expected costs for grsp::GridRSP
— Functionmean_lc_kl_divergence(grsp::GridRSP)::Float64
Compute the mean Kullback–Leibler divergence between the least-cost path and the random path distribution for grsp::GridRSP
, weighted by the qualities of the source and target node.
— Functionleast_cost_kl_divergence(grsp::GridRSP, target::Tuple{Int,Int})
Compute the least cost Kullback-Leibler divergence from each cell in the g in h
to the target
— Functionconnected_habitat(grsp::Union{Grid,GridRSP};
Compute RSP connected_habitat of all nodes. An inverse cost function must be passed for a Grid
argument but is optional for GridRSP
. The function will be applied elementwise to the matrix of distances to convert it to a matrix of proximities. If no inverse cost function is passed the the inverse of the cost function is used for the conversion of the proximities.
The optional diagvalue
element specifies which value to use for the diagonal of the matrix of proximities, i.e. after applying the inverse cost function to the matrix of distances. When nothing is specified, the diagonal elements won't be adjusted.
determines which function is used for computing the matrix of proximities. If connectivity_function
is a DistanceFunction
, then it is used for computing distances, which is converted to proximities using distance_transformation
. If connectivity_function
is a ProximityFunction
, then proximities are computed directly using it. The default is expected_cost
For Grid
objects, the inverse temperature parameter θ
must be passed when the connectivity_function
requires it such as expected_cost
. Also for Grid
objects, the approx
Boolean argument can be set to true
to switch to a cheaper approximate solution of the connectivity_function
. The default value is false
— Functioneigmax(grsp::GridRSP;
Compute the largest eigenvalue triple (left vector, value, and right vector) of the quality scaled proximities with respect to the distance/proximity measure defined by connectivity_function
. If connectivity_function
is a distance measure then the distances are transformed to proximities by distance_transformation
which defaults to the inverse of the costfunction
in the underlying Grid
(if defined). Optionally, the diagonal values of the proximity matrix may be set to diagvalue
. The tol
argument specifies the convergence tolerance in the Arnoldi based eigensolver.
— Functioncriticality(grsp::GridRSP[;
Compute the landscape criticality for each target cell by setting setting affinities for the cell to avalue
as well as the source and target qualities associated with the cell to qˢvalue
and qᵗvalue
respectively. It is required that avalue
is positive to avoid that the graph becomes disconnected.
Utility functions
— Functiongraph_matrix_from_raster(R::Matrix[, type=AffinityMatrix, neighbors::Tuple=N8, weight=TargetWeight])::SparseMatrixCSC
Compute a graph matrix, i.e. an affinity or cost matrix of the raster image R
of cell affinities or cell costs. The values are computed as either the value of the target cell (TargetWeight) or as harmonic (arithmetic) means of the cell affinities (costs) weighted by the grid distance (AverageWeight). The values can be computed with respect to eight neighbors (N8
) or four neighbors (N4
— Functionmapnz(f, A::SparseMatrixCSC)::SparseMatrixCSC
Map the non-zero values of a sparse matrix A
with the function f
— Functionreadasc(::Union{String,IO}; nodata_value=0.0)::Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Dict{String,Int}}
Read asc file of raster data and return tuple of a raster matrix and a dictionary containing the metadata information.
— Functionwriteasc(fn::String, m::Matrix{<:Real}; kwargs...)
Write the raster matrix m
to a file named fn
. It's possible to pass metadata arguments xllcorner
, yllcorner
, cellsize
, nodata_value
as keywords or as a single dictionary.
This package is derived from the Python package reindeers.